The Downsizing Dilemma

Picture Credit: Pinterest

Picture Credit: Pinterest

A recent Del Webb survey revealed that 22% of 50 to 60 year old Americans in or approaching retirement are doing a 180 on housing as they choose to upsize their residences and enjoy the fruits of their savings labor, yet the majority are still choosing to downsize as they hit retirement age. In this lies a dilemma: What to do with all that STUFF?

The Financial Times recently published a story on this subject. In selling real estate, we have personally witnessed the anguish of those who have collected and gathered their favorite things, now compelled to sell, gift, or donate them . . . . or worse, throw things away. But is there an upside too downsizing? Here are a few tips to help you or your loved ones with the task of downsizing:

1.  Simplifying can be DIVINE. It may be overwhelming at first, but once you rid yourself of the unnecessary items, you’ll feel a HUGE sense of satisfaction and relief once the process is completed. With less clutter and stuff, you’ll be able to refresh your life and your home environment. 

2.  Take inventory of all the things you CAN use in your new, smaller home first.

3.  Identify all the items you wish to gift to relatives and friends, knowing some may not want what you gift. Ask first, while keeping an open mind.

4.  Identify all items you might want to donate for charitable purposes. What you might consider tired, may be TREASURE to someone less fortunate.

5.  Identify all the items you wish to sell, knowing that most stuff has little resale value in the second-hand market. If you have fine art, rare or collectible items, it is wise to hire a professional appraiser.

Downsizing is a process. Start with one room at a time so you don’t get overwhelmed. Just know you can do it! There are professional organizers that can assist you or even estate sale companies if there is just too much stuff to get rid of. As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Vesta Home Team if you need a recommendation for vendors that can help!


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