The Clutter Enemy

The value of staging a home to sell to de-personalize it or make it more palatable for the next owner to imagine their lives in the space is proven science now. But some people simply are unable to go through the process....or unwilling. There is one next best step and it is one we as agents should INSIST on......decluttering.


Out With The Piles!

Any kind of clutter or piles of 'stuff' is a distraction to prospective buyers or tenants. And when it comes to clutter there is ALWAYS an easier, less intrusive solution than full staging which can be very emotionally and physically draining to some. During showings, the volume of excessive stuff sends a very clear set of messages to the buyer:

1. These people have run out of space. Maybe the place is too small? Is there insufficient storage?

2. This place needs lots of WORK! It looks used and dated. I bet I have to spend LOTS to make it look good again.

3. I bet no one else can see what 'lies beneath'....which may allow me to bid lower and pay less.

4. The buyer's focus became the clutter, not the real estate. Not the light. Not the views. Not the space.

Whenever you shop at a very expensive retail store, note the cleanliness and simplicity of the environment. When you enter a messy, cluttered retail store, usually you expect a lower price point. Every time a seller says to us: "But I love my 4-foot pile of magazines!", we respond with: "Great, so every time you look at that pile of magazines think at least $15,000 in a lower price!" They usually run for a box after that!

The loss of value may in itself be the ultimate motivator to tidy up, remove and/or contain clutter.


Gear Up For Summer


6 Earth Day DID YOU KNOWS?