Heading for Warmer Weather this Winter?

Are you heading for warmer weather this winter? Here are some helpful tips to consider for all our Snowbirds! 

Photo by Fabian Wiktor at pexels.com

  • Don’t turn off the heat. Set your thermostat between 55-60 degrees to keep pipes from freezing. Better yet, install a Nest thermostat  which allows you to check/change the temperature remotely. 

  • Turn off your water valves at home. If you are gone for  several months with no plans to return in between & no  family/friends staying at the home while you’re gone – have your home professionally winterized. 

  • Clean out the fridge & consider unplugging major appliances to  save on electricity expenses. 

  • Check in with your homeowner’s insurance agent to make  sure to let them know about your plans. Some policies have  rules about vacant homes – better to be safe than sorry. 

  • Hire someone to keep sidewalks free of snow to avoid  liability. 

  • Make sure that trusted neighbors know your plans and how  to reach you when you are away. Remember even when  you forward mail, that bulk mail/flyers can still accumulate – ask someone to check your mailbox regularly.


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